DAY 94: What is repentance?

Read: II Corinthians 7:8-16

Think: In my studies of the history of revival in America and Britain, one of the key components to their success was the power of repentance—or turning from sin—that occurred among a people of that revival. There was a sense of shame and forgiveness that washed over them like a wave. They understood how they hurt God and others, and they turned and ran from their sin. The evidence of their repentance was a change of habit, pattern, words and actions! Paul tells the church that repentance should have the same impact in any culture or generation: “For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us AWAY from sin and RESULTS in salvation. There’s no regret in that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow which lacks repentance results in spiritual death.”

Act: I remember the humiliation I experienced when I was a volunteer and felt I should confess a recurring sin to a staff person. I had relapsed. No one would have ever known about it, had I never admitted it. But I knew that if I hid the secret, I would keep doing it. So I asked to meet. I told my secret. I cried. I trembled. I asked for forgiveness and they prayed for me. To this day, I remember NEVER wanting to experience that sorrow and shame again. The confession of my sin (and the exposure of it) was so painful, it turned me away from the sin and it drew a line in the sand for me. I knew I couldn’t do it again orhang out with the people who loved doing it. One definition of salvation is “deliverance from sin.” Today, is there any area of your life that God is asking you to confess and repent and turn from. If so, meet with a mentor, an accountability partner, a godly friend, or pastor in your life. Confess your sin. Ask God to forgive you in front of another person and experience revival! 

Pray: Dear Jesus, I know that you desire for me to live a whole and holy life. You have given me the path to freedom—repentance! Keep me close to you daily, transparent and honest, always willing to repent and turn from sin. I ask you now to forgive me for ___________________________. I turn from it. I hate it. I ask for more of Your Holy Spirit in my thoughts and words and actions! Amen.

Be full of faith today!